I now have a vat of aloe vera juice in the fridge.

After hearing about the medicinal benefits of internal ingestion, the Bohemian harvests aloe from the backyard and blends it with honey and lemon from neighboring farmers. It’s a homegrown concoction that’s quite tasty, though my intuition hints at imbibing it with caution.

Isn’t aloe vera known as a powerful laxative? This morning’s online searches confirm my hunch.

Jessica Dofflemyer ~ all rights reserved

Regardless, this tonic is better than any of the latest aloe vera drinks we’ve been seeing pop up on the natural food store shelves.

Besides, this homemade version’s virtues are touted with an exotic Czech accent that keeps wanting to pronounce the silent ‘e’, to make it “alo-eh”.

Jessica Dofflemyer ~ all rights reserved

I may only be sipping this alo-eh elixir. But I’m drinking in the beauty of its goo. Wow!

Jessica Dofflemyer ~ all rights reserved

3 thoughts on “Ahh Aloe!

  1. We used to have a tiny Aloe plant in our garden in a pot. Once I got REALLY badly sunburnt, my Mum snapped off a piece of the plant ad rubbed it all over my back. Very soothing. We don’t have to look too far to see the magic of natural cures in nature.


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